
CalKit user guide

zego_callkit encapsulates some features of iOS CallKit and PushKit for Flutter developers to implement Voice-over-IP (VoIP) calls on iOS devices. The connection method and features of this plugin are similar to those of iOS CallKit and PushKit. For more information, see CallKit and PushKit.


  • ZPNs SDK 2.6.0 or later is integrated, and offline push notification is implemented. For more information, see Implement offline push notification.
  • Notification permission is obtained from the user.
  • Push Notifications is added to the Capabilities pane in your Xcode project.

Add dependencies

Add dependencies by using the pubspec.yaml file in the root directory of your Flutter project.

    # Enter the SDK version number.
    # Check the latest version of the plugin at https://pub.dev/packages/zego_callkit and replace `x.y.z` with the version number.
    zego_callkit: ^x.y.z

Initialize CallKit

Call the setInitConfiguration method to configure the VoIP feature before using it.

CallKit.setInitConfiguration(CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: 'Your App Name or others'));   

Receive incoming calls

When an incoming call is received, your app launch the call UI and triggers the didReceiveIncomingPush method.

CallKitEventHandler.didReceiveIncomingPush = (Map extras ,UUID uuid){
    // Extract the payload field passed with the push notification.
    Map payload = extras['payload'];

Launch the call UI

If an incoming call is received when the app is running at the backend, call the setInitConfiguration method to initialize CallKit and then call the reportIncomingCall method to pull the call UI, as shown in the following figure.

// Call the `setInitConfiguration` method at least once before pulling CallKit.
CallKit.setInitConfiguration(CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: 'ZEGO'));

CallKit.getInstance().reportIncomingCall(CXCallUpdate(), UUID.getUUID()).catchError((onError){
// Error message for a failure.
}).then((value) => {
// The call UI is launched.

After launching the call interface, to accept the invitation and initiate a real-time conversation, please refer to the usage of the Video Call product. For more details, please refer to the Implement call invitation section.

Decline an incoming call

To decline an incoming call, call the reportCallEnded method.

// `CXCallEndedReason` indicate the reason why an incoming call is ended. In the sample code, the call is declined by the caller.
// `uuid` is the UUID obtained from the `didReceiveIncomingPush` method or that passed by the `reportIncomingCall` method.
CallKit.getInstance().reportCallEnded(CXCallEndedReason.CXCallEndedReasonRemoteEnded, uuid);

Receive event callbacks

To listen for event callbacks of CallKit, pass in the implementation of each callback function before calling the registerPush method of the ZPNs SDK.

// Callbacks when a VoIP push notification is received.
// `uuid` is the unique ID of the call.
CallKitEventHandler.didReceiveIncomingPush = (Map extras, UUID uuid){
    // The payload string is the same as the extended data carried in the `ZIMPushConfig` class.
    Map payload = extras['payload'];

// The event that the user taps the Answer button.
CallKitEventHandler.performAnswerCallAction = (CXAnswerCallAction action){
// The event that the user taps the Decline button.
CallKitEventHandler.performEndCallAction = (CXEndCallAction action){
// The event that the user taps the Mute button.
CallKitEventHandler.performSetMutedCallAction = (CXSetMutedCallAction action){
    // If the Mute button is tapped, `muted` is set to `true`.

Set the video or audio mode

By default, the audio mode is used. This mode setting only affects the UI display, and the actual call effect needs to be implemented by you.

The following table compares the UI in the two modes.

Video modeAudio mode
Call notification
Call UI

CallKit pull by the developer

When calling the setInitConfiguration method for initialization, set supportsVideo to true.

When calling the reportIncomingCall method to pull the call UI, set hasVideo to true. To redirect the user to the app after the user taps the Video button on the call UI, you also need to set remoteHandle.

// To initialize CallKit, set `supportsVideo_` to  `true`.
var config = CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: 'localizedName');
config.supportsVideo_ = true;

// `CXCallUpdate.hasVideo` must be set to `true`.
CXCallUpdate update = CXCallUpdate();
update.hasVideo = true;
// To redirect the user to the app after the user taps the Video button on the call UI, you also need to set `remoteHandle`.
update.remoteHandle = CXHandle(type: CXHandleType.CXHandleTypeGeneric, value: 'Caller information');
// Generate the unique ID of the call.
UUID uuid = UUID.getUUID();
CallKit.getInstance().reportIncomingCall(update, uuid);

CallKit pull by ZPNs SDK

When initiating a call, set ZIMPushConfig > iOSVoIPHasVideo to true for the sending ZPNs SDK, so that the video mode can be automatically set for the receiving ZPNs SDK.

pushConfig.title = "System call title";
pushConfig.payload = "Field to be passed";
pushConfig.resourcesID = "Contact ZEGO technical support to obtain the value";

ZIMVoIPConfig voIPConfig = ZIMVoIPConfig();
voIPConfig.iOSVoIPHandleType = ZIMCXHandleType.generic;
// Sender information.
voIPConfig.iOSVoIPHandleValue = "Li hua";
// Whether a video call is initiated.
voIPConfig.iOSVoIPHasVideo = true;
pushConfig.voIPConfig = voIPConfig;

Event callback after the user taps the Video button

The following figure shows the call UI in video mode. If the user taps the Video button, the- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<id<UIUserActivityRestoring>> * _Nullable))restorationHandler callback is triggered. You can listen for and handle the callback in your project.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<id<UIUserActivityRestoring>> * _Nullable))restorationHandler{
    INInteraction *interaction = userActivity.interaction;
    INIntent *intent = interaction.intent;
    // When the user tap the Video button, the following condition is met. Note that the event can be triggered by tapping the button or an entry in the call history.
    if([userActivity.activityType isEqual:@"INStartVideoCallIntent"]){
        INPerson *person = [(INStartAudioCallIntent *)intent contacts][0];
        // The `CXHandle` field in the `ZIMVoIPConfig` class is obtained, which can be used to implement your business logic.
        CXHandle *handle = [[CXHandle alloc] initWithType:(CXHandleType)person.personHandle.type value:person.personHandle.value];
        // The following sample UI information will be displayed in a pop-up window.
        UIAlertController *alertView = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"tips" message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"If the user action type is `INStartVideoCallIntent`, the video mode is used. User information: %@",handle.value] preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
        UIAlertAction *action = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"OK" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:^(UIAlertAction * _Nonnull action) {
        [alertView addAction:action];
        [[UIViewControllerCJHelper findCurrentShowingViewController] presentViewController:alertView animated:YES completion:nil];
        return true;
    return false;